I recently acquired 11 Barbies from the ’80s and ’90s from a friend. She sold them to me for $5/each, which is quite a steal as the Barbies are each worth between $15 – $50/each. Some of the Barbies, had they been in mint condition are going for $800. These are the fancy Barbies, in […]

I wonder if a lot of fights between parents and teens/ young adult children aren’t just the parents dealing with their bruised egos. When my ego is feeling particularly fragile, like it is at the moment, any little thing can feel like a rejection. Even asking them if I can bring them their favorite snack, […]

March 1st will be 2 years at my current employer. This is to be celebrated because that’s a long time for me, though my record is 2 years, 7 months so I’ve not beat my record yet. I’m currently in training about assisting people with severe mental illness with employment and it’s a bit triggering […]

Hi all, So tons of personal stuff going on, but for now I want to distract you by having you check out my new blog artwork (AI generated, of course). I have a new gravatar. Frankly, the bitmoji one was getting really dated. Here’s what I decided on: And there is the image I chose […]