Fierce Females

Out of appreciation for Rarasaur’s lovely doodle/story about the Indian celebration Karva Chauth I promised her that I would post something here that she would enjoy.

Here you go Ra: I Bitstripped myself as a dinosaur. Rawr!


I’m just beginning to know Ra through Nano Poblano, but I can already tell that she is both fierce AND sweet. And, really, I think most women are.

Sure, when I was a little girl I loved to twirl around in my red tutu while thinking of butterflies and unicorns. I still like these things as well as rainbows and hearts (if you couldn’t tell from my Gravatar), but I also wanted to be part of the action and kick ass. Still want to.

After seeing the Karate Kid movies I was inspired to join a local Tae Kwon Do class and to gain some self-confidence and empowerment. Over a couple of years I worked my way up to one rank below Black Belt and had the chance to test for it before I went away for college, but by that time my heart was no longer in it due to trouble in my family home. When I got to college the TKD schools there practiced a different style and wanted me to start over as a White Belt! I just didn’t have enough patience to start over.

Even though I’m no longer kicking people’s butts I do enjoy watching other females kick butt through shows and movies. Here are some of my favs. Who are yours?

River Song from Doctor Who, the one woman who made a dalek beg for mercy:

river song

The other River (Tam) from the Firefly series/Serenity movie who can kill people with her mind:river tam ceiling

Kara Thrace aka. “Starbuck” from Battlestar Galactica, a badass pilot who is supposedly the “harbinger of death” to humanity.


Eowyn from Lord of The Rings, who disguises herself as a man and slays the Witch-King:


Speaking of disguises, Mulan dresses up as a man to fight for her family’s honor:


Undercover agent Sydney Bristow from the show Alias is a great example of sweet AND fierce:

bite me

Blue chick (Neytiri) in Avatar who is a skilled warrior who defends her people.

blue girl avatar

Speaking of Avatar, pretty much any role that Michelle Rodgriguez portrays (too bad they like to kill her off!):


Fast and Furious


Resident Evil

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About Quixie

Hi! I go by "Quixie." Quixie is a shortened version of "quixotic," which means: "exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical." It's how I described my evangelical Christian faith when I started blogging 10 years ago. Now I'm an agnostic atheist who is trying to find a balance between idealism and reality. I write about my mental health journey with bipolar disorder, my loss of faith (deconversion), parenting teens, reading, exercise/health, work-life, and my marriage separation/divorce.